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How to Find Consumer Number or CA Number in Electricity Bill? Where is CA Number in Electricity Bill?

CA number, Consumer number, Consumer ID in electricity bill


When managing your electricity bills, it’s essential to have all the necessary information readily available. One crucial piece of information on your electricity bill is the CA number, also known as the Contract Account number. The CA number serves as a unique identifier for your electricity connection and plays a vital role in various processes, such as bill payments, complaint registrations, and tracking usage. In this article, we will guide you on how to find the CA number or consumer number of your electricity bill. Here I will also tell you how to find the consumer number from your meter number.

When I say CA number, Consumer ID, or Consumer number all are the same. As some service providers write it as the CA number and some write it as the consumer number or consumer ID.

Understanding the CA Number

The CA number is a unique alphanumeric code or number assigned to each consumer by the electricity distribution company. It helps the service provider identify and maintain individual customer accounts. This number is crucial for tracking billing details, and consumption patterns, and resolving any issues related to your electricity connection.

Importance of the Consumer Number in Electricity Bills

The CA number holds significant importance in electricity bills. It serves as a reference for the service provider to identify the customer and link the bill to the correct account. It ensures accurate billing, tracks payment history, and assists in managing customer queries and complaints. Having the CA number readily available can save you time and help streamline various processes related to your electricity connection.

Methods to Find the CA Number on Your Electricity Bill

Here are the five methods to find your consumer ID in different cases.

From Old Electricity Bills

If you have the printed old bills either spot bills or downloaded bills, In that bill you can find the consumer number from that.

Start by looking at the top section of your electricity bill. The CA number is often prominently displayed near the billing date, customer name, and address. Scan through the bill header and see if you can locate the CA number in this section. Sometimes it is highlighted in the bold letter also.

Finding CA Number With Meter Number

If you do not have any old or new electricity bills then you can also find your consumer ID with the help of your meter number.

Highlighted meter number on a electricity smart meter

Where to find the meter number?

If you have an electricity connection then definitely there will be a meter installed at your house or shop. on that meter, you have to find its serial number which is printed on the body. It may be a number or alphanumeric.

To find the CA number with the meter number, you need to contact your electricity provider or distribution company. You may contact them directly to your nearest office or you can also call their customer care number. on the call or at the office with the help of the meter number they can easily find your consumer ID. Although there are different customer care numbers for different DISCOMs in different states 1912 is a universal customer care number for electricity bills in all states of India.  Through the meter number, you can not find your consumer number on your own.

Finding the CA number for the new electricity connection

If you have recently obtained a new electricity connection. and you are wondering how you will get the consumer number then,

  1. Generally, after the new connection you get the consumer ID on your mobile through a text message.
  2. If you missed the message, then you can also obtain it through your request number or application number. When you apply for the new connection you get a request number against your application. Through this request number, you can obtain the CA number.

In the case of Bihar, After application, you get a request number.

Now to find the CA number you need to visit

then go to, Consumer Suvidha Activities > अपने नए विधुत सम्बंधित आवेदन की स्थिति जानें (LT).

In the next screen, you need to enter your request number. Now click on View status. If everything is okay you will get the consumer ID at the bottom.

Finding the Consumer ID for Smart Meter

Sometimes people get confused about their consumer ID after the replacement of the old meter with the new smart meter. They try to find the new consumer number of smart meter.

But here the actual fact is that after the replacement of the old meter with the smart meter. Consumer number does not change. Your new consumer ID will be same as the old consumer number.

What to Do if You Can’t Find the CA Number

If you have tried all the methods and still cannot find the CA number on your electricity bill, don’t worry. Reach out to your electricity provider’s customer service for assistance. They will guide you through the process and help you locate the CA number for your electricity connection.

You can also watch this video to know “How to Find Consumer Number or CA Number in Electricity Bill?”

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About Amit Kumar

I am an Electrical Engineer and currently working as an Assistant Electrical Engineer in a distribution company. I am working with a distribution company for more than nine years. So here, I try to share my experience and knowledge to solve real-life problems related to electricity and electricity bills. More Posts

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