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Temporary Electricity Connection Charges-Complete Detail


Temporary electricity connection is a short period of electricity connection. When we need an electric power supply for a short period like for a few days or 1 month, 2 months, etc. then we choose a temporary connection. There are many occasions when we need a temporary electricity connection. Like for a fair, function or party, pooja pandal(Worship), construction of house etc.

In this article, We will discuss temporary electricity connection in detail. Like what is a temporary connection? When we should apply for a temporary and when we need a permanent connection. What are the differences between permanent or regular electricity connection and a temporary connection? Which one is better? etc.

What is Temporary Connection?

Friends, there are many types of categorization of electricity connection. Like based on phase electricity connection is of two types

  • Single-phase and
  • Three-phase

According to the voltage level, it is also divided into two types

  • Low Tension(LT) and
  • High Tension(HT)

Both of the above categories are further divided according to the purpose of electricity connection as

  • Domestic
  • Commercial
  • Industrial
  • Agricultural etc.

And all these connections are of two types according to the duration of the connection requirement

  • Temporary connection and
  • Permanent Connection

In this article, we will discuss temporary connections. In another article, we will discuss other types as well.

When we need a Temporary Electricity Connection

When we need an electricity connection for a very short period. Like two days, ten days a month, etc. Then we should go for a temporary connection. It is a little bit different from the permanent connection and a little bit costly. But If you choose a permanent connection for a shorter durati0n then it will be costlier. So if you need an electricity connection for a party function, an occasion or for construction for 2 months, etc then go for a temporary connection.

Temporary Electricity Connection Vs Permanent Connection

The regular electricity connection of our house is a permanent connection. Although, I mentioned above that temporary connection rates are slightly higher. Still, I recommend you to take a temporary connection when you need a connection for a shorter period. Because in a temporary connection there is no minimum agreement period but in permanent connection there is.

Now, What is the concept of a minimum agreement period in electricity connection?

The minimum agreement period is that period before you can not surrender the connection.if you take a regular connection or permanent connection then you can not surrender it before the minimum agreement period. The minimum agreement period for the Low Tension(LT) connection is one year in Bihar. And for High Tension(HT) connection it is two years.

Now let us understand with an example-1         

Suppose You need an electricity connection for one month for a book fair. Your load requirement is 5kW and your consumption will be 500 unit. Assume that the unit rates and fixed charge of temporary connection are 1.5 times to the normal tariff. Now calculate for both cases. I will assume the appropriate rates.

Total Charges in case of Permanent Electricity Connection

Let’s assume the unit rate is Rs- 6.5/Unit and the fixed charge is Rs-180/kW/month.

Unit charge = 500×6.5 = 3250/-

Fixed charge = 5x180x12 = 10800/- (Since in permanent connection there is a minimum agreement period say-1 year)

Meter rent = 50×12 = 600/-

Miscellaneous charge = 500/- (labour charge, meter removing charge etc.)

Total Charge = 3250+10800+600+500 = 15150/-

Now calculate all the charges for a temporary connection.

Total Charges in case of Temporary Electricity Connection

Unit charge = 500×6.5 x1.5= 4875/-

Fixed charge = 5x180x1x1.5 =1350/- (Since in temporary connection there is no minimum agreement period)

Meter rent = 50×1 = 50/-

Miscellaneous charge = 500/- (labour charge, meter removing charge etc.)

Total Charge = 4875+1350+50+500 = 6775/-

Comparison Result

From the above comparison, you can see that the rates are higher in case of temporary connections. But the overall cost is less. It is because in case of temporary connection there is no minimum agreement period. So when you ask for a connection for one month you need to pay for one month only. But not in case of a permanent connection.

In case of a permanent connection, even if you use the connection for one month only, you still have to pay the fixed charge and meter rent for the full minimum agreement period. That is for one year in case of low tension(LT) connection in Bihar.

On the other side, temporary connections are not always economical. Here we will understand with the second example.


Suppose You need an electricity connection for Six months for house construction. Your load requirement is 5kW and your consumption will be 3000 unit. We will consider the same rates as in the above example.

Total Charges in case of Permanent Electricity Connection(example-2)

Unit charge = 3000×6.5 = 19500/-

Fixed charge = 5x180x12 = 10800/- (Since in permanent connection there is a minimum agreement period say-1 year)

Meter rent = 50×12 = 600/-

Miscellaneous charge = 500/- (labour charge, meter removing charge etc.)

Total Charge = 19500+10800+600+500 = 31400/-

Now calculate all the charges for a temporary connection.

Total Charges in case of Temporary Electricity Connection

Unit charge = 3000×6.5 x1.5= 29250/-

Fixed charge = 5x180x6x1.5 =8100/- (Since in temporary connection there is no minimum agreement period)

Meter rent = 50×6 = 300/-

Miscellaneous charge = 500/- (labour charge, meter removing charge etc.)

Total Charge = 29250+8100+300+500 = 38150/-

Comparison of Example-2

Now from the second example, it seems that permanent connection is economical. Actually, it all depends on the period of supply you needed and your consumption. If you need the connection for a longer period it is better to go for permanent connection.

Although I have tried to compare both types of connections, I suggest you discuss with the local utility officer which one to choose.

How to Apply for a Temporary Electricity Connection

To apply for a temporary electricity connection you should visit your nearest office. Nowadays there is an online option available to apply for a new electricity connection. But that is for a regular or permanent electricity connection. You might not find an online option for a temporary connection.

I suggest that you visit the office so that you can discuss your need for a temporary connection with your local officer. You can discuss both types of connection charges and select the appropriate one. The above example-1 and example-2 will help you with this.

Now come to the application process.

Application process

First, you have to submit the filled application form like a regular electricity connection. In the form, you have to fill all the details. All the details mean the address where you need the connection, applicant detail, load of connection, purpose of the connection, duration of connection etc.

Unlike the regular connection, here you don’t need to pay the security money. But you have to pay the estimated amount of the bill in advance. Let me explain, Suppose you have applied for a commercial connection for 10 days. Then before you get the connection you have to pay the estimated bill for 10 days.

Estimation of bill

Estimation of the bill is calculated on the basis of your applied load. The estimated bill is not a final bill. The final bill of your temporary connection is calculated when you surrender your connection. At the time of the final bill, it may be less than or higher than the estimated bill.

If your final bill is higher than the estimated bill you have to pay the rest amount. Or if your final bill is less than the estimated bill your rest amount will be refunded.

Extension of Temporary Electricity Connection

Suppose you have taken a temporary connection for 10 days for certain work. But after 10 days you feel that you need the connection for 5 more days. Then you can extend the duration of your connection by 5 days. To extend the period of connection, again you have to pay the estimated bill for the additional five days.


Finally, I tell that depending upon your requirement and unit consumption choose between the temporary and permanent connection. Both have their own importance.

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About Amit Kumar

I am an Electrical Engineer and currently working as an Assistant Electrical Engineer in a distribution company. I am working with a distribution company for more than nine years. So here, I try to share my experience and knowledge to solve real-life problems related to electricity and electricity bills. More Posts

8 Comments on Temporary Electricity Connection Charges-Complete Detail

  1. We putting in Vaikunth Pushpanjali Burza Rorad Vrindavan, Mathura, UP in Builder making colony and we almost 500 family staying last 6 years. The builder not interested to install Permanent BIJLI to get prper connection to the Residence as he has forcefully installed non calibrated prepaid meter and without giving proper bill they charging much higher from the residence and thus, we all needs to et temporary or permanent UP Electricity Board connection dircetly, May kindly update how we can Approach and where for that so that Bulder cannot throtling our neck.

  2. We putting in Vaikunth Pushpanjali Burza Rorad Vrindavan, Mathura, UP in Builder making colony and we almost 500 family staying last 6 years. The builder not interested to install Permanent BIJLI to get prper connection to the Residence as he has forcefully installed non calibrated prepaid meter and without giving proper bill they charging much higher from the residence and thus, we all needs to et temporary or permanent UP Electricity Board connection directly, May kindly update how we can Approach and where for that so that builder cannot throttling our neck. Prof. Shrivastav 8851770975

  3. Pramod Gupta // November 13, 2021 at 5:28 am // Reply

    I want some helping information if you have I want temp conn for agriculture and I have a my own transformer can I put it in village area and get temp conn. Kindly reply

  4. yougesh joshi // March 7, 2022 at 4:08 pm // Reply

    is it for U.P ? we need temprary 3 phase connection in Punjab, can you guide us

  5. Mene 1 week phle meter disconnection ki request submit ki thi.. Lekin mujhe 2 week se ghumaya ja rha b bs .. Sare documents mene online upload bhi kr die and inki side se confirmed bhi ho gya ki apke documents aa gaye h lekin ab bol rhe hi documents nhi aae dubara upload kro 10 bar call krne ke bad or bol rhe b kisi division office chle jao.. Call bina solution die cut kr dete h .. They have chip service.. Inko sirf apna time spend krna h customer ki service se inko koi mtlb nhi h.. They all are fool and ese log bhare hue h support me jinhe ye tak nhi pta ki support hota kya h.. I want my problem solution as soon as possible.

  6. Anand singh // April 12, 2023 at 12:24 am // Reply

    What is the time duration of temporary electricity connection

  7. Nice blog, thank for these kind of electricity related information

  8. K THIVAGAR SIBFH // July 9, 2023 at 2:22 pm // Reply


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